Monday 10 April 2017

Choopu choopulu

choosi choodani choopalu choosi nattey choosthavu choodanattey chesthavu chusevallantha choodalenattuga vuntav inthaki evaru nuvvu...! Poem

choopu choopulu kalisey varaku, naaku thelidey neevu evaro!
neevu evaro thelisey varaku, nannu nenu marchipoyanu roo...!
oh oh ohhhh
oh oh ohhhh 
choopu choopulu kalisey varaku, naaku thelidey neevu evaro!
neevu evaro thelisey varaku, nannu nenu marchipoyanu roo...!
oh oh ohhhh
oh oh ohhhh

Neevante nenu,  neetho paatu nadusthu...!
Oh oh ohhhh
Oh oh ohhhh
Nee needalo nadusthu, nee maikamlo paduthu, nenu ninnu premincha!
Oh priyaaa oh priyaaaa oh priyaaa oh priyaaaa!

Choopu choopulu kalisey varaku, naaku thelidey neevu evaro!
neevu evaro thelisey varaku, nannu nenu marchipoyanu roo...!
Oh oh ohhhh
Oh oh ohhhh

Thursday 11 June 2015

"The biggest discrimination men face in India is being the default trouble-makers in the eyes of law."

A left turn towards Delhi's, Golf Links: a road called, Arch Bishop Macorius Marg! A traffic policeman, strictly stands on duty there; as many people coming from Khan Market nearby don't follow the red light on that particular road. He stops an auto but the auto walla doesn't stop. The traffic policeman follows him on his bike and catches hold of him and gets him a challan. I am particular of that road, because he's always there from morning till afternoon.

Yesterday, I saw him in the news, throwing a brick on a woman driver, it's a shame on his being a policeman. He was to protect, but he was the culprit.
The same evening, I hear that he is no longer a policeman, not even suspended; he got what he deserved, he lost his job. He's sent for 14 days in police custody(jail). The next morning, I read; he makes to the newspaper front page. All National Newspapers have a news on him.

Delhi CM, meets the woman with her family members. He tells her, that people who are corrupt should be punished, and he couldn't put an end to corruption himself, he needed everyone's cooperation. She's made a hero!
The case!

A video taken by another driver captures the policeman throwing the brick on the lady. It also shows the women abusing the policeman, whereas he's not abusing her. It shows that she throws the brick at first on him, he does unfortunately the same. Yes, he's the culprit; but what about the lady? Is she so sincere enough to be made a hero? With her spewing expletives, with her not paying the challan or with her breaking the red light, with not having original papers which the policeman sought, by breaking traffic rules of more than two people on the two wheeler?

Now, an audio recording from the policeman's phone tells, that he didn't ask for unfair money, he kept on asking her for her paper's or the challan amount, whereas she used foul language at him.

Due to this incident the policeman was beaten by people who surrounded him and the woman. His 27 years of police service stamped with corruption, the police officer who had caught a serial snatcher gang back in 1990's.

This is the democracy! No one speaks for rationality. In this case if he's a policeman on duty doing such an offence of throwing a brick on her, and if for that he can be sent to jail; why can't the woman be also given lessons, other than making her a hero for breaking the rules and her behavior? Also, the policeman only asked for challan, he wasn't thirsty for any unfair means of money! His mistake and a big one, was of throwing the brick back at her.

-Gagandeep Singh Vaid

This case is not some case of white vs black or right vs wrong. In fact as a woman, I would say that the police man was wrong in his part to throw the brick back at her and he should be charged for that. However shouldn't the woman be charged for:
  • breaking a traffic signal
  • triple-riding on a two-wheeler
  • riding without sufficient verification documents
  • lack of cooperation with police
  • physically assaulting an officer on duty
  • tarnishing the image of a public servant by false charges of bribery

However, this case has only resulted in setting a wrong example of women empowerment, although I cannot even see how it is women empowerment at all? So to answer the question, I would say:
"The biggest discrimination men face in India is being the default trouble-makers in the eyes of law."

Tuesday 9 September 2014



I would like to invite you all to my wedding to be held from [ 12am] on [31st sep] at [Hyderabad]. Kindly treat this as a personal invitation.

With very best regards,

NOTE: Update this status on your social media profile and just wait and see, to know who is interested in you...! Try it out GUYS...!

Thursday 3 July 2014

Why Lord sri krishna only said bhagvathgeetha to Arjuna??

  Why Lord sri krishna only said bhagvathgeetha to Arjuna and showed his viswaroopam to only Arjuna?? why he didnt say to remaining 4 pandavas as they are also good in character and follows dharma???

 Actually the lord tried twice to give the gyan of bhagavan geeta to others also, but those people did not give a chance or allow krishna to continue and syopped him from giving them the gyan...... do who these peoplevare? Its Duruodhan, actually lord tried yo give him that gyan during shanti prastav, but duryodhan was sooooo head strong that he did not try to listen but instead tried to make krishna his captive, thus duryodhan list his chance, the other person was karna....... krishnavtruedvto give him the gyan of bhagavad geeta when he met karna aftervshantinprastav and revealed him the secret of his birth and tried to persuade him to join the pandavas forces , at that time lord was very enthusiastic to give the gyan , but the adament karna stopped krishna by clearing his decision to stay with duryodhan and thus making krishna to stop, ginally, arjun's reluctance to fight the war led krishna to give the gyan to arjun, and arjun being the most benovalant, and havind submitted him self to krishna received the gyan.

Sunday 29 June 2014




Today I had seen a suicide at hyderabad(india) railway lane.

Don't know what all he gone through out his life, to take this step.

To be frank, one who does suicide, is the most bravest person in the world. Isn't it or he is a coward????

Lets discuss....!
"The one who suicide, is the bravest, but one who doesn't live his life is a coward"   Yes he was the bravest and of course he is coward, he didn't complete his life...!

But why suicide?? what makes a person to take this heinous step?? FEAR?? isn't it??

Fear of losing, fear of un-accomplished dreams, attachment towards human beings and things and when expecation fails.
This are the reasons which makes people to go into miserable life and depression.

But do you people know?? How someone falls into a miserable life???

Let you people know about me...!

To be frank, i have thinked of it(suicide) many times and tried. But i was coward of dying, i was coward, because i thinked of where i can't complete my dreams. Yes! when i couldn't chase my dreams, i thinked of suicide and tried for it and at last moment, i used to take a backstep. Because fear of my un-accomplished dreams and again i start chasing...!

But can you people guess, why i thinked of it?? its because of thinking, over thinking....!

Recently i made a new friend Krithika. As i am elder to her, i have to teach her something about life. But here it was different, the way she lives, taught me a good lesson...!

I learnt through her life, how to be strong. she taught me, without even her knowledge, that thinking is a SIN....!

And here i say OVER THINKING
creates expectations, and predicting about future. Makes us to think about past and future and we fail to "live in present".

Friends please stop thinking, if you wanna do something, do it the right moment. Don't day dream about future and past.


It is the only thing which makes us to do such heinous sins and its a weakness...!

i dont wanna see someone in his place....!
Please stop thinking, live this moment....! Be happy...!


Monday 23 June 2014

"Krishna breaks His own promise"

Krishna breaks His own promise

Everyone is aware of the fact that when there was a declaration of war between the Pandavas and Kauravas, Lord Krishna, took the decision not to fight or lift arms. Yet this example shows how Krishna sometimes breaks His promise. Duryodhana once incited Bhismadeva that the grandsire was not fighting to his best ability as the opposing party were his pet grandsons. This charge infuriated Bhishma, who took out five arrows and made a commitment to Duryodhana that the next day he would kill all the five brothers. Duryodhana, being a wily diplomat requested Bhishma that he would keep those arrows safely for the fight next day.
Krishna, who is all knowing reminded Arjuna of a promise, which Duryodhana had given him some time back. Arjuna was told that the time was ripe to ask for that promise by taking back the five arrows. Duryodhana had no option but to give back the arrows to Arjuna. Bhishma, this time gave another commitment that he would kill Arjuna that day or he would end up giving up his life. He fought with such fervour and spirit that at one point in the fight, Arjuna’s chariot was broken down and when he was completely unarmed and helpless, Krishna took up the chariot wheel and went straight to Bhishma, who happily threw his weapons away and welcomed him. By this act of breaking his promise he saved two of his great devotees from perishing.
So Krishna tells Arjuna, kaunteya pratijanihi. "You promise so I shall protect your promise." Someone could question, why didn’t he declare this himself and why did Arjuna have to declare? The understanding is that even Krishna could break his promise, he would never break his devotee’s promise. ‘Na me bhaktah prayasyati’: Anyone who has taken to Krishna consciousness, he will never be destroyed.
The vow that Sri Krishna would not take to arms was thus broken!! Later Sri Krishna was reminded of his vow by Arjuna, Arjuna quickly ran and fall into God’s feet and prayed him involved in war. Then God threw away the wheel and retreated back to his chariot. For his Bhakta - devotee - the Lord had broken his vow!!
But most of the time, Human has to do work and face challenges on their own. God can’t do each and everything. However when what God does there must have been some purpose that we can’t realize with our limited intelligence. After all God helps those who help themselves and God’s work only God knows.

Monday 16 June 2014

Some interesting facts in Mahabharata

Some basic information about Ashwathama

Ashwathama: all those who have seen Mahabharata must be knowing this person. I find him the most important and the most talked about personality along with Karna. From the last few months, I have been reading a lot about him. He fascinates me a lot, as when I think that an individual is still alive with an age more than 5000 yrs. He is one of the 8 chiranjeevis that we have in Hindu mythology. Here is a list of all:

Ashwathama -a man cursed to immortality and extreme suffering without love from anybody for his role in the murder of the five sons of the Pandavas and his attempted murder of Arjuna's grandson

Bali (demon) -a righteous demon king who conquered heaven, earth, and the underworld, but was forced to give it back by Vamana
Vyasa -a sage who narrated the Mahabharata, he was also a sage in the epic
Hanuman -a monkey deva who served Rama
Vibhishana -Ravana's brother who was made King of Lanka by Rama
Kripacharya -a teacher of the princes in the Mahabharata
Parashurama -an avatar of Vishnu

Markandeya -a great rishi

It is very interesting to know that the man still revolves around jungles and villages. I have also heard that there is a Shiv temple somewhere in MP, where he comes daily for a penance and offers a rose to Lord Shiva. Couple of people has seen him as well, and have identified him as a man with a hole in the forehead. People who have seen him report that he is a 12 feet long man with broad shoulders. Ashwathama comes from dwapar yuga, where man used to be like that. Over the years, he has developed a kind of ability that he only gives DARSHAN to those people who are actually destined to meet him. So, I believe that if I or someone else has that kind of destiny, than we would surely get a chance to meet him. It is said from the mythological beliefs that he is suffering from leprosy, as because of the curse given by Lord Krishna and and mani taken out from his head. There is this small story that goes like this:

There was a vaidhya (doctor) in the jungles of rishikesh and he used to cure leprosy of any kind. So, one day a man came to his kutia/ashram and asked the rishi ji as who all in this world can he cure, by offering them a treatment of leprosy? Rishi ji replied: I can cause any kind of leprosy patient in this world, be it the person suffering from it from 50 yrs, however there is only person on whom my treatment would not make any effect at all. And that person is Ashwathama. Then that guy smiled and said to rishi: well in that case probably your medicine is of no use to me and he went away. That guy was Ashwathama.

According to the Hindu text known as Srimad Bhagavatam, Ashwathama, Vyasa, Kripa and Parashurama are destined to be future saptarishis (seven sages), Bali is destined to become the next Indra, Hanuman was blessed by Brahma to live as long as him and Vibhishana was blessed by Rama to live for one kalpa (ie. one full Day Of Brahma).

You may also visit the link for more info:

Also there is a lot of confusion in people. Some people believe that he is immortal, which is not true. He is only cursed to live to the end of this world, which means that he has already lived for around 5000 yrs so far, and would be living for some 2300 yrs or more, as Kalki Bhagwan (10th incarnation of Vishnu Ji is believed to take birth in the 4320th century). After that the kaliyuga will end with one kalpa (day) of Brahma Ji. And Ashwathama will become one of the seven sages of the coming Satyuga.